Friday, January 13, 2012

365 Project>Day One

Becoming a professional photographer is a dream for anyone who is passionate about capturing life through their lens. Once photographers reach that point, they are filled with enthusiasm and desire to create the best images they possibly can. I strive for this everyday. 
If you truly love photography, that never goes away. But soon the pressure of running a business, meeting deadlines and creating a consistent product can take the joy out of picking up your camera “just because” – even just a little.  I'm still pretty good with taking a camera where ever I go.  I have the heavy purse to prove it. ;-)
I came across a very cool idea from The CWP Network. "Canadian Women Photographers Network"...What they highly suggested was starting a 365 day challenge. These have been popping up on Facebook and on blogs for a while now, and many people choose to face the challenge in different ways. I've seen some stay committed...some miss days here and there... some finish! 
But lets face it... its a big commitment. 
Basically this is how the challenge works:  (Its pretty simple.. but I'm guna get jiggy with it)
Take a picture, every single day. I know this sounds obvious, but many people I have seen doing a 365 challenge are just posting a photo a day. In my opinion, that’s cheating. It doesn’t take much work or imagination to upload an image.  So my vow to myself... is to take at least ONE photo a day and post it.  Just one... not 5... just one shot for you. I'll be taking a photo with the following guidelines in mind.
  1. Take a photo that makes you uncomfortable. 
  2. Take a photo that inspires you.
  3. Take a photo that sums up your day.
  4. Take a photo that describes you without you being in it.
  5. Take a photo of something that moves you, in a way that moves you.
To me... its not hard. Its a little scary making such a commitment...but really... not hard. Its called a challenge for a reason... and I'm up for any challenge that puts a little snap in my click.

Have no fear Friday the 13th. This challenge starts today. :-0

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